Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gone Golfin'

These are some golf cookies I did for a friend back in June, I just never got around to water-marking them and posting them. And it has been a hot summer friends - the kind of summer where turning on the oven and heating the house up just doesn't appeal so I haven't done many projects in the last couple months. On to the golf!

These were done as prizes for a golf outing, here are the finished sets and then I'll post the individual pieces.

Most of these are handcut - which I could clearly use more practice!
Golf cart - hand cut. I actually liked how this one turned out.

Golf tee - handcut.

Golf ball - I let the icing crust over and then used the end of a paint brush to make the dimples. I sprayed Wilton's pearl spray on all the golf balls to give the nice shiny effect.

Mini golf balls - I packaged these in a pretzel bag with a grass background.

Golf clubs! The small one is from a cookie cutter, the big one is handcut.
You can see the ragged edges on this one.

 Golf bag - I like how the bags turned out (handcut) but you can really see the ragged edges here. I should have taken more time cleaning that up before I baked or used a fine grater after baking. This is an enormous cookie, it was something like 6" by 3" or thereabouts.

A little golf polo shirt - I used a Wilton t-shirt cutter. I would have liked to not have the "V" in the neckline, next time I'll just cut a triangle to fill that in and piece the shapes together.

A little golf scene to round things out. I did two textures for the clouds. The flat ones were dropped in while the blue icing was still wet, when that crusted over I added the other little cloud blobs. I used gold sanding sugar over gold icing for the sand trap.

I got the golf cookie boxes at and used a block of floral foam in the bottom and covered it with tissue paper. Then I bagged these, taped wooden skewers onto them and arranged them. A gift basket bag from Michael's kept everything together.

Hope you enjoyed.

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