Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy October!

Somehow October is almost over. It has been a busy month for me and while I planned on doing lots of Halloween cookies and treats, somehow the only cookies I made were eaten and never photographed. Oops.

I do have these to share though:

A few pumpkins I threw together.

Some breast cancer ribbons, complete with dough tinted pink.

I hope your October was amazing and you're as excited as I am for fall holidays. I'm going to be posting some fun cookies I did for my brother soon and am hoping to make some Wonder Woman cookies for my grandma's birthday in November. She is a Wonder Woman as she had some health issues earlier this year and has bounced back so well you would never know she had any troubles at all.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Family Reunion

I did a few cookies for a family reunion in Georgia that I wasn't able to actually attend. I sent them with my parents who drive all over the country to visit friends and family. My mom isn't even retired yet, I can't imagine  how much travelling they'll do when she doesn't have to report in to work anymore.

Here are the cookies:

The letter H for "Hoover" was my first attempt at using my new Kopykake. I am not brave enough to do the piping directly on the cookie yet, but traced it with a foodcolor marker and then did my piping.

Some Georgia peaches, although the color turned out far more orange than I wanted.
Let's pretend it's a nice fuzzy peach color, shall we?

And some love from Minnesota.

All together now!

Hopefully I can actually attend the reunion next year!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Muffin Tops!

This summer I went on a mad search for muffin top pans. Not because I wanted to make muffin tops. Oh no, I had an ulterior motive. You see every summer we go on vacation with a large group of people. We split up breakfast and dinner duties so that every couple cooks for the entire group at each of those meals throughout the week of vacation. Our breakfast of choice lately has been breakfast sandwiches. The idea of cracking an egg into the muffin top pan and baking it was very appealing - one less thing to do on the griddle. These pans work wonderfully for baking eggs for breakfast sandwiches but they also produce a delicious muffin top.

I bought the Fat Daddio pan off Amazon which is not coated with non-stick coating. If I had to do it again I may have gone with one of the other options. The first time I used it, I used spray liberally and still had a beast of a time cleaning it afterwards. It seems it is getting better over time, but man that first time of washing it sure had me second guessing myself.

Here's the  pan all ready to go with the batter (straight out of the box!) and the scoop I used to measure it into the cavities. I've read you should use the same amount you'd use for a regular muffin but you end up with some flat, pancake-looking muffin tops and I'm not a fan of that so I used extra and yielded only 9 muffin tops for one box of mix.

Make sure to spray not only the cavities but the entire pan liberally as I had a lot of overflow (maybe if you followed directions that wouldn't happen?).  Also - if you take a close look at the pan - it looks like it has been through war. I threw these in a tote to bring them on our vacation and look how terrible they look! I don't even know what caused this!

I am a bad blogger because I don't have the obligatory torn apart piece to show you the delicious crumb on these things. By the time they came off the pan, I wasn't thinking about taking pictures!