Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Basics - Icing

Now that we've made some cookies, let's go over the icing you can use to cover them. As in all aspects of life, there is more than one way to do this - you can use many mediums to ice your cookies. The ones I'm familiar with are Glaze and Royal Icing or a bastardization of the two that I am growing to like more and more. The most important thing when using any of these recipes is getting the correct consistency for your needs. If your icing is too thin, it will spread all over and be a big mess; if it's too thick it will give you arthritis, break a tooth and generally not work out very well. I'm going to put some links in this post that are very helpful if you're interested in learning more. 

Have a Heart...

A couple weeks ago, my mom told me about a fundraiser her VFW was doing for a local woman and asked me to donate some decorated cookies to their bake sale. Having the tender heart I do and feeling genuine heartache at the situation the woman was in, I said no. No I would not donate decorated cookies to the bake sale. I would however sell decorated cookies and donate that money to the woman (via the VFW) instead. You see, making these cookies is a lot of work - these are not fifty cent cookies. I was afraid I would spend so many hours on these and they would raise a fraction of the worth of the cookies at their sale. Oh no, I was not going to let that happen.