First of all - Target had Darth Vader heads in the Easter section this year so I bought a couple to surprise my husband. He found an image of Darth to put as his wallpaper and came up with this:
Then there's the Williams Sonoma set of Star Wars vehicles along with some cookies inspired by Star Wars the Old Republic game play. Yes I have spent many hours playing this game. I also spent many hours decorating these cookies - coincidence? I think not. If I remember correctly I was trying out a new icing and had a few technical difficulties. These cookie cutters make beautiful cookies but the stamp is kind of a pain. The cookie looks all great with your design already lined up for you but when you go to ice it things can get a little crazy (frustrating). I've learned a few things since that would probably help me with these. Oh and if you use these cutters you should use very cold dough - some of the shapes don't like to release with a softer dough and because the stamp is built in you can't just loosen it with a knife.
And then there's the Williams Sonoma pancake molds...
And that's all I've got. And yes Darth Vader in the cookie shot does not have a face. I was pretty much done at that point and just slathered the icing on. I don't think I even piped it all nice-like - just a big old mound of frosting smoothed out. I'll have to work on more Star Wars stuff for next year. Maybe something with a face...